Cuddling vs. Running

Abby plots her plan to get the “chase” on, while Otis tries to stay out of it.

Good morning, Cuddlers!

Today’s Sunday Morning Cuddle focuses on a topic that isn’t very “cuddly.” Like clockwork, every night at 9:30pm my four cats get a burst of energy. Abby starts chasing Reggie, Striker gets in on the action, and Otis focuses on staying out of the commotion. They run up the 6-foot cat tower, hop on the TV over to the purple chair and on to the bookcase. Then, they leap over to the 5-foot cat tower, head into the kitchen, jump up on the refrigerator to the top of the cabinets, and down again. Well, Abby usually just meows at Reggie and Striker to get down from the cabinets because she wants to keep running around. Sometimes their “circle” includes running into the bedroom, over the bed, and back into circling the living room and kitchen again.

This burst of running energy also comes when I get home after being gone for a long time. Who am I kidding…they have this burst of energy even when I’ve been gone 5 minutes to get the laundry started. I open the door and all four of them run out of the apartment and take off down the hall. They act as if they’ve been stuck inside the apartment all day long and have been dying to run.

I’m going to be thinking about fast cats and their seemingly endless energy this morning as I run in my 4th Chicago Marathon. I can only imagine the possibilities if I had the same energy or quickness as the cats. When I start the race it does remind me of when the cats rush out of the apartment. That rush of crossing the start line and jockeying for a good spot is the same image of my cats running down the hall. I’ll also think of their speed at mile 20 or later when I start to get tired. Cats sure know how to sleep and cuddle, but they also seem to have this desire to race and be in 1st place!

What are moments in your life that you, too, have those bursts of energy? I invite you to think about what gets you super excited to get moving and moving fast! If only we could harness “cat energy” for when we need that extra oomph to get us through our day.

Enjoy the cuddle! (Or…for this week…enjoy the energy!)

4 thoughts on “Cuddling vs. Running

  1. Enjoyed the image of your fearsome foursome skittering around the house. Glad to see you doing another marathon. Hope it went well. All is fine here. Heading up north to Petoskey area for a color tour this weekend. Take care.


    1. Yes! The marathon went well…I even thought about my cats’ energy when I felt I needed some. There were several adorable dogs along the route, but most of them were napping! HAHA! It’s hard work for a dog to be a spectator of a marathon. A color tour in the Petoskey area sounds great this time of year. Enjoy!


  2. I enjoyed this one 😊 just wanted you to know I didn’t get it until today – not sure if that was your plan or if it was a glitch

    Sent from my iPad



    1. It was a glitch. I’m still trying to figure out the ins and outs of WordPress. It was set to post early on the 9th.

      I did think about the cats’ energy whenever I needed some during the race. I tried not to think about them sleeping and looking so cuddly! HAHA!


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