Blog post #39 – September 17, 2017 Paper

Blog post #39 – September 17, 2017


Good morning, Cuddlers!

Paper seems like a silly topic to talk about, but it’s kind of been a theme in my life the last few weeks. In this world of trying to go paperless, it seems impossible for an “old school” girl like me.

At work, I’m trying to find ways to have my students use their Chromebooks more by using Google Classroom or other online tools to complete assignments. This hasn’t happened yet, though, because I feel the need for the students to have a copy of the story and handout so they can write on the document. It’s only the end of the second week of school and I’m already down to two reams of paper (I started with three). I’ll certainly have to figure out some ways to curb my copying needs.

I do have plenty of notebook paper for those students who run out. The students always seem to start the school year with plenty of notebook paper, and run out by the middle of the second quarter. That’s also the time that a pack of paper that was once 99-cents, becomes at least a $3 purchase. So, I stock up in case anyone needs some paper.

I keep getting an email from my bank asking me to go to paperless billing. Well, they obviously don’t realize this, but I’m already doing paperless billing. All but my electric bill is paid online (…don’t ask…I can’t seem to figure out how to pay my electric bill online…). And, my financial statements are all online. So, I’ve figured out some ways to reduce my paper consumption.

The paper practice that I hope never goes away is packing boxes with the large brown paper. I ordered a new litter box a few weeks ago, and I forgot about the joy of the packing paper. Abby and Otis have had hours of entertainment and relaxation with the brown paper. Abby purposely gets her toy mice in the paper, then simultaneously attacks the paper and the mice. I’ve recorded her playing with the paper because she cracks me up every time! Otis has been playing with the paper, too! Otis?! Yes…Otis has loved making a paper fort or secretively playing with one of Abby’s mice. Reggie and Striker seem to be a little indifferent about the paper, but have enjoyed the large cardboard box for games of hide and seek. By the way, I don’t have the heart to throw away the brown paper or the box…they’re both here to stay until they get ruined, or another “toy” becomes the favorite.

Enjoy the cuddle!

Abby playing with the brown packing paper.
Abby is in the middle of some serious play time with the brown packing paper.
Abby taking a cat nap in the brown packing paper.
Reggie is surprised at how much Abby and Otis love the brown packing paper.
Otis moved the paper to make half of a fort in the brown packing paper.
Striker was watching Abby have a blast playing with the brown packing paper.

Blog post #38 – September 10, 2017 Saving Animals

Good morning, Cuddlers!

I wanted to take a moment this week to give a “shout out” to all of those wonderful people who have been on the front lines of helping to save the animals from the Houston area after the Hurricane Harvey. And, now, I’m assuming we’ll see more stories of animals being rescued from Florida. So many animal shelters have stepped up to take care of animals in need.

It’s been on my mind ever since the images started coming in from Harvey – a lot of people in rescue boats with cages full of their cats, dogs, birds, guinea pigs, etc. Of course, I have been worried about people getting to safety, but it was especially touching to see people with their pets. I keep thinking about how happy I am that there are people with the resources and ability to help save so many of the animals. It’s quite touching to see people come together to help others in this great time of need.

I know a lot of people have friends and family that are now in Hurricane Irma’s path. Sending prayers and love to all of those in the Houston area who are working on recovering after the devastation, and to those in Florida who are bracing for Irma’s landfall.

I’ve talked to my cats about what’s happening in other parts of the country and asked them to send happy kitty thoughts to all animals in harm’s way. I’m also sending prayers out to the humans who are in harm’s way.

Enjoy the cuddle!


Blog post #37 – September 3, 2017 Hard-Working Pets

Blog post #37 – September 3, 2017

Hard-Working Pets

Good morning, Cuddlers!

As we celebrate Labor Day, and for some, look forward to the cool days of autumn, it got me thinking about some of the tough jobs our pets have in caring for their humans. I thought I would try to do a top 10 list for this week’s cuddle.

Here we go with the Top 10 reasons our pets sometimes have tough jobs:

  1. Many dogs are in charge of taking their humans for walks. It’s not always easy to get the human attached to the leash for a good 15 – 20 minute walk.
  2. Cats and dogs are busy protecting us from bugs, spiders, squirrels, wildlife, and the occasional invisible critter.
  3. Cats and dogs have to clean themselves with their tongues.
  4. Sometimes, it’s hard work getting their humans to give treats. “Okay, I’ll give you my paw and sit just one more time…but, that’s it…it’s treat time.”
  5. Dogs and cats (like my Abby) are usually in charge of waking up their humans in the morning five minutes before their alarm goes off. It’s hard to get a human out of bed.
  6. Making their human put down any electronic devices so the fur baby can give and get attention is not an easy task.
  7. Many dogs have to bury their bones in the yard, which takes a lot of time, especially when their human keeps telling them “no.”
  8. Cats and dogs must look cute while sleeping…whether it’s on the couch, cuddled up with their human, in a unique spot, or on the bed, our fur babies must melt the hearts of their humans. (…and try to influence the human to take nap or go to bed, too.)
  9. Dogs and cats have the job of entertaining their human on a daily basis. Making their human smile or laugh is always on the agenda.
  10. Loving unconditionally!

Maybe #10 isn’t such a tough job for our pets, but when our busy lifestyles take over, our fur babies may not be able to give us as much attention. Hopefully, this weekend we will have a few extra minutes to play, cuddle, or nap with our furry friends.

Enjoy the cuddle!


Blog post #36 – August 27, 2017 Hunde, Katzen und Kühe (or… Dogs, Cats and Cows)!

Blog post #36 – August 27, 2017

Hunde, Katzen und Kühe (or… Dogs, Cats and Cows)!

Good morning, Cuddlers!

I was recently in Switzerland and reminded again at how much the Swiss love and take good care of their animals.

Two years ago I was in Switzerland for the first time. I was struck at how the dogs are allowed everywhere. It seemed that every time we were on the train, there were at least five dogs in tow with their humans. The dogs were always super sweet and appeared to be used to the crowds of people at the various train stations.

An adorable dog at the top of Mt. Pilatus near the city of Lucerne.
A cute dog near the top of Reichenbach Falls (Meiringen, Switzerland). He got to ride the funicular and got in a decent hike to the top.

By the way, did you know that the original blood line of the St. Bernard dog is housed in the St. Bernard Foundation in Martigny, Switzerland? On my last trip I was lucky enough to see the beautiful dogs, including a few puppies, and they were so adorable. These St. Bernards are treated as royalty and live in a wonderful facility.

St. Bernards at the Musee et Chiens du Saint-Bernard.
A St. Bernard at the Musee et Chiens du Saint-Bernard.

Every time I saw a cat all I could think about was, “Wow…these cats look very healthy.” I can’t confirm this, but I imagine they get quite a bit of the wonderful milk or cream from the Alpine cows. In the adorable city of Thun, there is a great store that is all about cats (and officially “owned” by a cat). The human owner told me that the cats in Thun are well cared for and that the Swiss people really care about animals. I told her about a cat that greeted me on the steps to the ancient castle. He meowed in German and managed to lead me to the top of the stairs all the while stopping to gently remind me to pet his belly. When I left the castle I saw that same adorable Swiss kitty – he accepted a few more pets from me, but he was busy attacking the lizard a few feet in front of him.

My new Swiss cat friend on the way to the ancient castle in Thun.
Can you hear the meows in German as this Swiss cat led me to the top of the stairs?

And, how can I not include a post about the animals of Switzerland without mentioning the cows. They all have their cow bells on, which creates this beautiful tune of continuous bells ringing in the Alpine air. They are free to graze wherever their strong legs take them, and they seem to be so relaxed and happy. How can I tell? Well, have you ever tasted real Alpine Swiss cheese?! Several towns and villages have festivals for when the farmers lead their cows up and down the Alps. I would love to see one of those festivals as they honor their beloved cows.

An Alpine Swiss Cow enjoying the grass near Magislap. Those “huts” in the background are where they make/keep the Alpine Cheese.
A selfie with an Alpine Swiss Cow.

From the people with chickens, goats, and other animals in their yard to the cats, cows, and dogs that seem to have all the freedom they want, it was so wonderful to see these happy animals.

Enjoy the cuddle!







Blog Post #36 July 30, 2017 Bird Watching

July 30, 2017 – Bird Watching

Good morning, cuddlers!

This summer I have noticed more birds and sounds of birds. I think it may have been the positive influence of one of my friends from the Bear River Writers’ Conference who is a nature expert. We had a conversation about being able to appreciate nature even in the midst of the concrete jungle of Chicago.

Whether I’m out for a walk, running errands, or running along the lakefront path, I’ve come to notice the birds and the beautiful sounds of their summertime chirping. I also notice, and stay away from, the Canadian Geese…that’s a story for another time.

If I happen to see a dog on the path stalking a bird or a squirrel it brings a big smile to my face. I know the dog isn’t going to kill the bird or squirrel, so that’s why it’s a cute interaction. It’s especially funny when the squirrel outsmarts the dog and runs around to the opposite side of the tree and the dog is left in utter confusion. I can just hear the dog saying, “Where did that pesky squirrel go?!”

For my cats, I have always felt bad that we don’t have trees right outside our window so they can do their own stalking. This year, though, we seem to have a number of birds flying by on a regular basis. There also must be a tree that has gotten bigger or has become a safe place for birds to land, because I feel like we’re hearing more birds when the windows are open. Or, could it be that I’m paying more attention to the calming sounds of nature? Hmmm….

Well, even though my cats are getting more real-life experience with birds these days, I occasionally will play bird videos for the cats on YouTube. It’s so funny to watch them get so enthralled with the computer screen! I love that they think the bird is in the apartment when the bird flies away on the computer screen. Sometimes I’ll play the squirrel and bird video and Abby gets a little upset with the squirrel. I’d hate to see what would happen if they met in real life! The best part is seeing them intent as they watch the birds fly in and out of the screenshot. Ten minutes of bird videos means they will all sleep through the night.

I hope everyone is able to enjoy the nature in your hometowns this week. Enjoy the cuddle!

Abby watching bird videos on the computer screen.
Striker watching bird videos on the computer screen.
Reggie watching bird videos on the computer screen.


Reggie watching bird videos on the computer screen, and trying to grab the poor bird.
One more picture of Reggie watching the bird video.

Blog post #34 – July 2, 2017

Happy Birthday, America!

Good morning, Cuddlers!

This time of year is full of BBQs, family and friend gatherings, and plenty of summer activities. It’s also that time of year that many dogs, cats, and other animals despise. The stories of animals being freaked out by the fireworks are endless. So, while we’re about to celebrate our nation’s birthday, our fur babies are looking forward to July 5th.

Growing up it seemed like the dogs in my life were more afraid of the fireworks than the cats. One of my grandparent’s dogs could hear thunder and fireworks from far away distances, even out of human hearing range. She would shiver and hide her head the best she could. I also remember feeling so bad for our dogs in Chicago, because it seemed like people were setting off fireworks right in front of our house. While we were enjoying the 4th of July, our dogs were dreading the entire day. Poor doggies. It sure is hard to reassure a scared dog or cat that they’ll be okay.

Last year I noticed my cats showing signs of not liking the sounds of the fireworks. In my neighborhood we don’t get as many people setting off illegal fireworks, so it’s not a big problem. There are the occasional fireworks set off nearby, which sends the cats running…or at least that look of “What the heck is going on?!”

Abby found her hiding spot from the noise of the fireworks…in the All-American Coca-Cola box.
Striker is trying to hold the American flag. Happy birthday, America!

I often wonder about the animals at Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo, or other zoos near fireworks displays around the country. Are other animals as sensitive to the sounds of the fireworks? Well, I sure hope all animals are safe this year.

Have an enjoyable 4th of July celebration in the midst of cuddling with your fur babies. And, have a piece of watermelon for me (my favorite 4th of July treat).

Enjoy the cuddle!

Blog post #33 – June 25, 2017 Little Surprises

Good morning, Cuddlers!

This week my cats kept me laughing for all of their little, silly moments. Otis was playing with one of the toy mice that Abby usually plays with. Did he learn something from his little sister? Striker initiated a game of tag with Reggie and Abby, which hasn’t happened in a long time. One day this week, Reggie came back into the apartment on his own after playing in the hall. I thought for sure that was a joke…Reggie never comes back on his own. And, I kept catching all of the cats in sleeping positions or sleeping places they don’t normally sleep. I found myself repeating the phrase, “You guys are cracking me up!”

Reggie, what are you doing to Otis! HAHA!
Reggie and Striker love sleeping on the warm towels. How can I put the linens away now?
Abby hasn’t slept on the purple chair in months. This is a usual spot for Otis – you can see by the white cat hair.
Otis was sleeping up next to the window. He was snoring and looked so relaxed.

Sometime in the middle of the week – perhaps in light of the Summer Solstice – I was a little more aware of the little surprises in my own life. I guess the biggest surprise (which wasn’t little at all) was my mixed emotions on the last day of school. I have a new teaching job for the fall, and after 15 years at John Hope HS, I was leaving the building for the last time. I’m excited for the new adventure, but was caught in a mix of strange emotions from 15 years of memories.

Again, as the cats kept surprising me, I was taking note of the list of little surprises in my week. The strangest little surprise was a $25 check from a physical therapist’s office from an overpayment on my last PT appointment. Okay, maybe not such a little surprise, but this appointment was two years ago! In the six months that followed my 7 sessions of PT, I had to resolve a few things with the insurance company about a miscoded PT appointment (which was an error on their part). Well, that was FINALLY resolved which is why I received the $25 check. So, maybe that should fall under the category of “bizarre surprises.”

As I’m writing this I can’t help but notice Abby snoring and looking so peaceful. She is recovering from an ear infection and she seems to be 100% better. It’s nice to see her looking so peaceful and happy. This was another one of my little surprises, Abby feeling and acting better. I hope we all have a week of “little surprises!” All good surprises, of course.

Enjoy the cuddle!

Blog post #32 – June 18, 2017 Being Still

Good morning, Cuddlers!

I first wanted to wish all of the fathers, uncles, grandfathers, step-fathers, and fur-fathers a Happy Father’s Day! I hope today is a day where fathers are honored and have moments of relaxation.

This past week the idea of “being still” kept coming to mind. Reggie made me think of this early in the week. Sometimes Abby and Reggie will go on the stairs for a quick run up and down a flight. Occasionally, I’ll take Reggie on a “walk” up about five or six flights to give him more exercise and some quality time with me. He gets a small bite of a treat when he runs up each flight, so he’s come to love hanging out on the stairs.

Throughout the week I noticed all the cats in their moments of chillin’ and being quite comfortable with being still for a long period of time. I saw an adorable dog the other day stalking a squirrel. I watched this dog look like a statue for several minutes. He was all set on staring down that squirrel for as long as it took. (I wish I had a picture.)

Then, once again, I was reflecting on my time at the Bear River Writers’ Conference at Camp Michigania on Walloon Lake (check out last week’s blog). There are many reasons that I love Bear River, but one of the reasons that I think many of the participants love our time is our chance to be still. Being in nature, among fellow writers, and away from our busy lives allows us a few days to be still with our thoughts and our writing.

Looking out onto Walloon Lake from the Education Center at Camp Michigania. (Bear River Writers’ Conference 2017)

It was a somewhat crazy week for me as the end-of-year “stress” piled up; graduation, finals, finishing grades, cleaning and packing up the classroom, and the like. I finally realized that I needed to find moments in my day to be still. Whether it’s sitting down to reminisce about Bear River, or watching Reggie sit on the stairs for five minutes, it was so helpful to me to do something as simple as being still for a few moments. I hope we are all able to find a moment or two to “be still” and appreciate the world around us, as well as, the world within us. Now, if I could only figure out what Reggie is thinking when he’s sitting still!

Enjoy the cuddle!

Reggie hanging out on the stairs of my building.
Otis sitting in my spot on the couch.
Striker loves sitting on the window.
Abby takes over the window when Striker jumps down.

Blog post #31 – June 11, 2017 A Place I Love

Good morning, Cuddlers!

Some of you may know that I was off last week to attend a writing conference. This is no ordinary conference. It’s a retreat, a chance to re-connect with nature, make new friends, and re-connect with old friends.

The Bear River Writers’ Conference first entered my life in 2015, and I was blown away by the wonderful feeling of being surrounded by like-minded, friendly people for five days. The conference takes place at the University of Michigan Alumni Association’s Camp Michigania on Walloon Lake. During the summer, Camp Michigania is host to Michigan Alums for weeks of family camp. The week before family camp starts, 100 writers and 10 authors/instructors invade the camp for several days of writing and camaraderie. After my first year at Bear River I would say, “It’s time for writing camp!”

This was my third year attending the Bear River Writers’ Conference. For the third year in a row I had a magical time and realized how much I missed the setting as soon as I drove around the bend and saw Walloon Lake. I love everything about it – the intense hours of writing, working hard with your fellow group members, the wonderful food in the dining hall (and soft serve ice cream), staying in a cabin, being disconnected from TV and internet most of the day, being in nature, and the list goes on. For the third year, I felt a little bit of pain in my heart as I left because I didn’t want to leave.

Upon my return home after the 6-hour drive, my cats greeted me with a lot of purring and meowing. I kept saying, “Did you guys miss me?” When they meowed in reply I was thinking they either said, “Yes! We missed you!” or “Hmm…not really…we just want you to feed us.” Well, even though I love going on little trips (and I absolutely love going to the Bear River Writers’ Conference), I also miss my cats when I’m away.

At this point, I’m carrying my positive energy I gained at Bear River this year with plans to return in 2018. It will probably hit me some time in April of 2018 how much I miss Bear River and I’ll start doing the countdown once again. I love the peace and serenity of Camp Michigania, and connecting with so many amazing writers. I’m sure all of my “cuddlers” have a place they love, too! Hopefully, this post has brought you to the place you love.

Enjoy the cuddle!

Looking out onto Walloon Lake from the Education Center at Camp Michigania.
On the walk from my cabin to the dining hall I kept thinking I was seeing a sleeping cow in the distance.
The Nature Center – this is where my group met.
Camp Michigania has about 20 beautiful horses on the property.
Camp Michigania and Walloon Lake – the first view after coming around the bend on the dirt road.
A wonderful friend, author, and fan of the Sunday Morning Cuddle!